Introducing Our New Priest Chaplains!

January 29, 2024

Chesterton Academy of Orlando

We just received some extraordinary news:

Chesterton Academy now has three priest chaplains offering regular Mass and Confession for our students!

Bishop John Noonan, shepherd of the Diocese of Orlando, has graciously appointed two diocesan priests as school chaplains, Fr. Josh Swallows and Fr. Glenn Lopez. Both priests serve at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church (Oviedo), where Fr. Josh is pastor and Fr. Glenn parochial vicar. Fr. Josh is also Director of Vocations for the diocese and chaplain to the UCF Catholic Campus Ministry. The priests will alternate coming once per month to our school.

We’re just beyond grateful to Bishop Noonan for granting our community these two priests! Praise God for this blessing!

However, to add grace upon grace, Fr. William “Doc” Holiday, pastor of Incarnation Catholic Church (Winter Park), has also agreed to come weekly to celebrate Mass for our students. Fr. Doc is a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, which was erected by Pope Benedict XVI to facilitate Anglican parishes coming into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Fr. Doc has already begun offering the Ordinariate Mass at Chesterton Academy. This beautiful Catholic liturgy is marked by elevated English, reverent worship, and language derived from the classic books of the Anglican liturgical tradition, all fully Catholic in expression and content.

We are especially delighted to share the Ordinariate Mass with our students given that our school patron, G.K. Chesterton, was himself a convert from Anglicanism to Catholicism, embodying in his very person this expression of liturgy.

Please join us in offering prayers of thanks for Bishop Noonan, Fr. Josh, Fr. Glenn, and Fr. Doc!

The grace flowing from these sacraments is immeasurable. It will transform our students, faculty, and community. The Lord around whom all their studies revolve is now present in our school, offering students joy and peace, for “where the Lord is, there is freedom” (Lk 21:25).

Please keep praying for us!

Chesterton Academy of Orlando

Chesterton Academy of Orlando is a classical high school, grounded in the Catholic faith. Our mission is to help students recognize the true, imitate the good, and adore the beautiful, falling in love with the source of it all—God himself.

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