Download the 2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook. Every parent and student is expected to have read and signed an agreement to follow the Handbook by the beginning of each school year.
Student should aim to arrive when school doors open at 7:30am. If a student is not in their Homeroom classroom by 7:45am, they will be marked absent until further notice.
Students that arrive late need to be checked in by their parent/guardian at the front office. All tardies and absences should be sent to the office via email at
If your student is going to an appointment we do ask that you provide a doctors note so that the absence/tardy can be excused.
If a parent/guardian does not inform the office of why a student is absent, the office will call home to verify that the student is at home and safe.
Office (email) -
Office (phone) - (407) 627-1250
Headmaster (Mr. Hickel) -
Admin Assistant (Ms. Currier) -
Curriculum (Mrs. Markle) -
Receptionist (Mrs. Mora) -
Drop off in the Morning occurs between 7:30am-7:45am. It is recommended that you plan to arrive early as students must be in their Homeroom classroom no later than 7:45am or they will receive a demerit.
Persons dropping off and picking up students should drive around the building and pull up all the way up through the parking drop off lane, either to the stop sign in front or to the nearest stopped car.
Students are dismissed from school at 3:30pm each day, but we encourage parents to arrive early as the car line builds well before then.
During both drop off and pick up, drivers should NOT get out of their vehicles and should NOT stop in the middle of the parking drop off lane. All vehicles should pull forward as to not hold up the dismissal line.
If students are taking too long to dismiss, the dismissal crew will ask the drivers to circle back around the building.

Mrs. Nicole Bradica has been organizing the carpooling needs for the Academy. If you have any questions regarding the carpool list please reach out to her at
QuickSchools is the online platform we use to record grades and attendance, and to allow easy, direct communication between parents and teachers.
Each new parent will be sent an invite to QuickSchools to make an account and stay on top of their students grades and attendance.
(Please check your email for this invite and if you do not see it, please check your spam folder before reaching out to the office.)
We highly encourage that students also have their own QuickSchools account. If you are interested in having them join the platform, to stay on top of their own grades, please fill out the QuickSchools Signup Form below and let us know your student's name and email address. We will then register an account for them:
Students preparing for 9th grade should read the following text in the summer before 9th grade, prior to the new school year beginning.
- Mythology by Edith Hamilton
The book is provided by the school and is covered by the Books and Supplies Fee.
Click here for the Summer Reading Study Guide:
Students preparing for 10th grade should read the following text in the summer before 10th grade, prior to the new school year beginning.
- Myths of the Norsemen by Roger Lancelyn Green
The book is provided by the school and is covered by the Books and Supplies Fee.
Click here for the Summer Reading Study Guide:
Students preparing for 11th grade should read the following text in the summer before 11th grade, prior to the new school year beginning.
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The book is provided by the school and is covered by the Books and Supplies Fee.
Click here for the Summer Reading Study Guide:
Students preparing for 12th grade should read the following text in the summer before 12th grade, prior to the new school year beginning.
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The book is provided by the school and is covered by the Books and Supplies Fee.
Click here for the Summer Reading Study Guide:
Student Life
Students are highly encouraged to attend our After School Program, hosted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 3:30pm-4:30pm.
School faculty and staff remain on campus to oversee students.
Each day, students can choose from among three after-school activities: study, social, or recreation.
Students must have a permission slip on file to attend this program, which can be downloaded here:
Chesterton Academy requires that all students volunteer at least 10 hours of their time per semester, to give back to the community.
Click here to download the Apostolic Hours Log, which students can use to document the hours they accumulate throughout the semester. At the end of each semester, the form should be submitted to their Homeroom teacher:
Chesterton Academy follows the guidelines set out by Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship Program. The Bright Futures Program offers substantial scholarships to students choosing to attend a college in the state of Florida. The scholarship amount depends on factors such as GPA, number of volunteer hours, SAT/ACT/CLT scores, and more. For more information, please visit the Bright Futures Program webpage.
Saints Rock School is an after school program, led by Mr. and Mrs. Klein, where students can learn how to play electric and bass guitar, learn about Rock History, and learn how to perform with a group.
Each year, in the early Spring, we host a Saints Rock School Showcase.
Click here for more information:
Saints Sports
We love sports and play many of them at Chesterton, but our philosophy is that sports is a game, not a religion.
Chesterton Academy is a school with sports, not a sports program with a school.
Sports do indeed teach valuable virtues such as teamwork and discipline, but so do drama and the other fine arts. When a performance or play goes well, everyone wins—not just one team or the other, as with sports.
That said, we do have many sports teams. If your student is interested in joining any of our Saints Sports teams, or if you have questions regarding the program, please contact our Athletic Director:
Alexis Currier
(407) 627-1250
Fall 2024
-- Cross Country (Co-Ed)
-- Volleyball (Girls)
Winter 2024
-- Basketball (Boys)
The annual Gala Dinner is our one big fundraiser of the year. At that one event, in one night, we aim to fund all of the school's operating expenses for the following year.
Per the Parent/Student Handbook, each family is expected to host a table of ten guests (including the parents themselves.) Hosting a table is free. It does not cost any money, and there is nothing to sell. We do not sell tables or tickets. The whole evening, including the elegant plated meal, is completely free to guests.
Look for more information about the Gala from the Headmaster and the Gala planning committee.
Click below for photos/video from past Gala dinners:
Throughout the year, we offer a few other minor fundraising opportunities, such as selling Christmas trees or carwash coupons. These fundraisers typically go to support particular causes, such as the Rome Pilgrimage Fund.
Click below to access Chesterton Academy of Orlando’s Merchandise Store. You will find apparel, pins, bags, hats, and much more.
All proceeds from the store go directly towards the Seniors' Rome Pilgrimage Fund every year.