We are happy to announce a new partnership between Chesterton Academy and Franciscan University of Steubenville!
Franciscan University is one of the premier faithfully Catholic universities in the world. At Franciscan, every member of the community embraces the call to dynamic orthodoxy through education, evangelization, and sending forth joyful disciples. Students at Franciscan seize the opportunity to serve the Church and transform the world as they’re empowered to pursue their vocations through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We have formed a partnership that provides Chesterton high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn significant credit towards their college educations.
Students can now earn college credit by passing the Chesterton Academy theology and philosophy courses, which are aligned with Franciscan University’s curriculum, and then successfully completing college-level examinations.
This first of its kind collaboration between Franciscan University and the Chesterton Schools Network serves the intellectual and spiritual needs of students, families, and communities while simultaneously ensuring affordable Catholic education.
Students enrolling in the Franciscan Advantage program can earn a maximum of 36 credits prior to high school graduation. These credits can be counted towards completion of an undergraduate degree at Franciscan, and, in many cases, are transferrable to other colleges and universities. An additional benefit is access to Franciscan Life Online to help foster a vibrant sense of community amongst learners.
Course offerings may vary by Chesterton Academy, but all the Franciscan Advantage classes ensure that students have the academically excellent and faithfully Catholic background to succeed in higher education.