Know a high schooler? We have just a few spots left…

June 3, 2024

Chesterton Academy of Orlando

This past school year we had 54 students at Chesterton Academy. Next year, we will expand our enrollment to 87 students.

We recently opened the application window and were overwhelmed by the number of applicants. 84 students have already applied.

That means we have only a few spots left!

Once we cross 87 applicants, any additional students will be added to a waiting list.

So, if you have a high school student interested in attending Chesterton Academy, we invite you to apply now before the last few spots fill up.

(And if you don’t have a high school student, please forward this email to someone who does! Maybe a friend, relative, or fellow parishioner.)

Learn more about the Chesterton Academy model and how we help students become fully alive in their faith and drawn to a good life of joy, intelligence, and virtue.

And don’t forget that the State of Florida now offers every student a scholarship worth around $7,200 to attend any private high school of their choice. This covers about 76% of the tuition at Chesterton Academy!

But don’t delay. Once we fill the last few spots, we will close the application window and add any additional students to a waiting list.

So, apply now!

Chesterton Academy of Orlando

Chesterton Academy of Orlando is a classical high school, grounded in the Catholic faith. Our mission is to help students recognize the true, imitate the good, and adore the beautiful, falling in love with the source of it all—God himself.

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